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Thyroid Healthy Bites

Thyroid Healthy Bites

Hosted by: Hypothyroid Chef

Thyroid-healthy recipes, lifestyle tips, and tales from the healing journey!


How to Not Tank Your Adrenals with Hope Pedraza - Ep. 40

Season #2

There are some very popular health trends that could be tanking your adrenals. My guest Hope Pedraza, FDN-P, has a wealth of information on this topic, so if youā€™ve been struggling with things like low energy, sleep...
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Why Diet & Lifestyle DO Matter for Thyroid Thrivers - Ep. 39

Season #2

As thyroid patients, many of us are told by our doctors that diet and lifestyle won't make a difference.Ā Recently I've heard this from several Thrivers in my community. My own doctor told me this for years, and...
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Tales from the Scale: Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism - Ep. 38

Season #2

Excess weight and the inability to lose weight is the number one complaint and frustration among those of us with an underactive or missing thyroid. In today's episode, we'll talk about why there's more to the...
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Gratitude: It's More Than Just Being Thankful with Holly Bertone - Ep. 37

Season #2

Even though we know gratitude is good for us, with countless research-backed health benefits, most of us aren't practicing it effectively. Today, we're going to talk about how to uplevel your gratitude practice...
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Navigating Holiday Food the Thyroid-healthy Way - Ep. 36

Season #2

As Thyroid Thrivers, many of us become bloated, inflamed, brain-fogged, and downright symptomatic from eating things like gluten, dairy, sugar, and soy, and classic holiday recipes are loaded with these ingredients! ā ...
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Yes, You CAN Workout with Hypothyroidism! with Angela Brown - Ep. 35

Season #2

On today's episode of Thyroid-healthy Bites, we'll talk withĀ Angela Brown, FDN-P,Ā whoĀ isĀ both a thyroid expert and a fitness expert. She's going to help shed some light and clear up some common misconceptions about...
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Realistic Expectations for Our Conventional Appointments - Ep. 34

Season #2

Iā€™ve learned a lot along the way as a thyroid patient, patient advocate, and health coach about what to expect from those conventional doctor appointments. I donā€™t want you to waste years of your precious healing...
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Thyroid-healthy Hydration - Ep. 33

Season #2

We all know that water is critical to our wellbeing, but what does it mean for us as Thyroid Thrivers? And how do we stay hydrated in a thyroid-healthy way? That's what we're going to cover in this episode of...
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The Thyroid Treatment Debacle with Drs. Eric Balcavage and Kelly Halderman - Ep. 32

Season #2

This episode is an absolute game changer and will turn your understanding of hypothyroidism on its ear! In their new book,Ā "The Thyroid Debacle," Dr. Eric Balcavage and Dr. Kelly Halderman explore why the current...
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Welcome Back! Here's What's in Store for Season 2 - Ep. 31

Season #2

Welcome back to Thyroid Healthy Bites! In this Season 2 premiere, Iā€™m sharing some BIG NEWS and exciting announcements! Iā€™ll tell you all about whatā€™s in store for this season, what Iā€™ve been up to behind the scenes,...
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What Do Your Thyroid Test Results Mean? With Mary Shomon - Ep. 30

Season #1

If you want to put the information provided by your thyroid labs to good use so that you can optimize your treatment and feel your best, this episode of Thyroid-healthy Bites is a do-not-miss!Ā  In this Season 1 finale...
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Healing Mindset: Your Untapped Superpower with Eileen Laird - Ep. 29

Season #1

Ā A healing mindset is likeĀ the gatekeeper to your healing journey. If you are in a stuck mindset, itā€™s difficult even to begin to heal and start feeling better.Ā Thatā€™s why Iā€™m so happy to explore this topic with a...
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