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Thyroid Healthy Bites

Thyroid Healthy Bites

Hosted by: Hypothyroid Chef

Thyroid-healthy recipes, lifestyle tips, and tales from the healing journey!


How Your Mind Shapes Your Body with Tanja Shaw - Ep. 52

Season #3

If weight loss has been a challenge for you, today's conversation with mindset coach Tanja Shaw, FDN-P, will expand your thinking and blow your mind. We'll unravel the weight-thought connection and learn how we can...
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Hormone-Healthy Eating with Dr. Alan Christianson - Ep. 51

Season #3

Hormonal imbalance can throw us for a loop! And the symptoms of hormonal imbalance overlap with many thyroid-related symptoms-- the thyroid is part of our hormonal system, after all! So, how can we support our...
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Overcoming Fatigue with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum - Ep. 50

Season #3

Fatigue afflicts over 30% of Americans and is one of the most pervasive and debilitating symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. It’s been said that there's no tired like thyroid tired, and as Thyroid Thrivers, many...
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My 5-Step Feel Better Framework Revealed - Ep. 49

Season #3

Feeling well as a Thyroid Thriver really comes down to a simple 5-step framework. Today, I'm going to reveal this framework to you. It's the same one I have used to stay on the sunny side of Health Street since 2015,...
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Parenting with Hypothyroidism with Rachel Hill- Ep. 48

Season #3

They say parenting is the hardest job in the world and the most rewarding. But what about Parenting with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s? In other words, what about parenting when we’re also dealing with things like...
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Inviting Your Loved Ones to Your Healing Journey - Ep. 47

Season #3

A hot topic recently came up in The Thrivers Club (my group coaching community): Inviting and welcoming our loved ones to our healing journeys. Communicating with our loved ones naturally fosters more understanding...
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Rethinking Hypothyroidism Treatment with Dr. Antonio Bianco - Ep. 46

Season #2

Have you been experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism even on medication but have been dismissed by your doctor? Learn the truth behind this issue from Antonio C. Bianco, MD, Ph.D., a professor of medicine at the...
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The Thyroid-Gut Connection with Dr. Joni Labbe - Ep. 45

Season #2

The gut plays a foundational role in our health, with strong links to our thyroid. This reciprocal relationship can create a cycle of health or a cycle of disease, which explains the prevalence of issues like SIBO,...
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Tuna: Is it Thyroid-Safe? - Ep. 44

Season #2

To tuna, or not to tuna? That is the question. Canned tuna can be a great source of Omega-3s and other thyroid-supportive nutrients, but with mercury concerns, can it be a thyroid-safe food? How do we choose wisely...
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Your Brain on Change with Nadia Ahrens - Ep. 43

Season #2

When you're a Thyroid Thriver, the only thing constant is change. Maybe we're changing the way we eat, the way we live, the way we sleep. Maybe we're navigating the changes that thyroid disease has brought to our...
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Is Turmeric Good for Thyroid Thrivers? - Ep. 42

Season #2

You’ve probably heard about turmeric as a superfood or supplement, but is it worth consciously adding it to your thyroid-friendly diet? In this episode we'll take a closer look. We'll Discuss:  The health benefits of...
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5 Reasons to Rethink Your Drink + Alcohol Alternatives - Ep. 41

Season #2

I'm just going to rip the band-aid off and say it: Alcohol is problematic for those of us with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's. You may not be ready to give it up, and you may not need to at this time, but let's talk...
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