Inviting Your Loved Ones to Your Healing Journey

Inviting and welcoming our loved ones to our healing journeys is an important aspect of our personal transformations. So, why is it so hard (or scary) for some of us to do? It can be easy to believe we can't get the love and support we need, at home. But what if we've never given our loved ones an invitation or a chance to succeed at supporting us?
As someone who has a tendency to go it alone, I've experienced the profound before and after results from being more open (and vulnerable - eek!) with my family about my health stuff. It took me a long time to break through this personal mindset roadblock, and based on feedback from my Thrivers Club Members, I'm not the only one!
In this episode of the Thyroid-Healthy Bites Podcast, we'll discuss:
- Breaking through mindset roadblocks around inviting our loved ones to our healing journeys
- My personal story and struggle with this topic
- Practical tips for HOW to communicate about our health needs
You can get the love and support you need to thrive. Let's talk about how.
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Disclaimer: This information is for educational and inspirational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare providers before making changes to your diet, health care, or exercise regimen.
Show Notes:
- Learn More About The Thrivers Club
- Learn More About Paloma Health [$30 OFF CODE: HYPOCHEF]
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Need more support?
Knowing what we need to do to thrive and actually doing it are two different things. If you've had trouble turning what you've learned about thyroid-healthy food and lifestyle into a healthier YOU, there's a good chance you're missing an essential piece of your healing puzzle: SUPPORT.
That's why I created The Thrivers Club, a group health coaching community where together we can learn, grow, and transform! Members get access to exclusive expert content, members-only workshops, monthly wellness challenges, a supportive community of fellow Thyroid Thrivers, a private recipe library, and so much more! Here's what members are saying about how The Thrivers Club has helped them...
Imagine what it would be like to finally have the support you need. What would you be capable of? What kind of health dreams could you make come true? Let's find out. No matter where you are on your journey - whether newly diagnosed or decades down the path - you're welcome in The Thrivers' Club.
Happy thriving, and enjoy the episode!
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