Gratitude: It's More Than Just Being Thankful

Thyroid-healthy bites episode 37: Gratitude is more than just being thankful, with special guest, Holly Bertone

The word gratitude gets thrown around so much that it's easy to tune it out. Today, we're going to tune IN to gratitude because gratitude can be like a thyroid-healthy superfood for us Thyroid Thrivers when it comes to the thoughts and practices we feed our minds.

According to Dr. Robert Emmons, the world's leading scientific expert on gratitude, grateful people are:

  • Less depressed
  • More resilient
  • More able to overcome trauma
  • Better able to handle stress
  • More easily get along with others
  • More physically active
  • Struggle less with pain
  • Experience more JOY

These are benefits that can deeply serve those of us living with chronic health issues like hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, Graves' Disease, or without a thyroid. Yet, most of us haven't fully embraced this life-changing practice. It’s kind of like drinking enough water– we know it’s good for us, but that doesn’t mean we get enough of it in our lives.

So, how can we uplevel our gratitude practice and get the most out of it? On this episode of Thyroid-healthy Bites, that's what we're going to talk about with bestselling author, health coach, and host of the Gratitude Builds Fortitude Podcast, Holly Bertone.

We'll Discuss: 

  • Holly's personal story of how cancer and Hashimoto's upended her career 
  • How gratitude has shaped Holly's new life and career
  • Practical ways to increase the effectiveness of your gratitude practice
  • The dark side of gratitude (or now not to use it)
  • Gratitude as the missing link on the healing journey


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Disclaimer: This information is for educational and inspirational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare providers before making changes to your diet, health care, or exercise regimen.



Show Notes:

Podcast Links:


About Holly Bertone

Holly Bertone, PMP, CNHP, is a #1 best-selling Amazon author, host of the Gratitude Builds Fortitude Podcast, sought-after speaker, and gratitude and mindset coach. As a breast cancer and autoimmune survivor herself, she helps women reverse the cycle of disease and transform their overall health and wellness.

Holly spent 25 years rising through the ranks of consulting and federal government service before her failing health shattered her corporate dreams. Since then, she has leaned into her path of true purpose as the President and CEO of Pink Fortitude and founder of Fortitude Academy by helping women go from being Grumpy Worriers to Grateful Warriors. She is a Project Management Professional (PMP), holds a Master's Degree from Johns Hopkins University, and is a Certified Natural Health Coach.

Holly is married to a retired Green Beret, is a Stepmother to an Eagle Scout, Pug mama, and lives in Alexandria, VA.


Further Reading - Rejuvenation Inspiration: 30 Ways to Hit Your Refresh Button


Need more Thyroid-healthy Thanksgiving Help?

If so, don't miss my Thyroid-healthy Thanksgiving Survival Guide & eCookbook! In this 35+ pg. guide, I provide everything you need to enjoy the day AND the food, with a gluten-free, dairy-free, low-stress game plan. 

What's Inside?

  • A done-for-You Thanksgiving Menu & Game Plan
  • Exclusive Thyroid-healthy Thanksgiving Recipes
  • Shopping & Prep Lists
  • DIY Thanksgiving Planning Templates 
  • BONUS: Thyroid-friendly Holiday Recipe Catalog
  • BONUS: Top 10 Thanksgiving Essentials Lookbook



I hope this episode of Thyroid-healthy Bites has inspired you to think about ways to harness the life-changing power of gratitude. I know Holly and her journey have inspired me! 

Thanks so much for watching. Your support is at the top of my gratitude list this year, so I offer my heartfelt thanks to you for being here and spending this time with me and my special guest, Holly Bertone.


Wishing you the best of health, 


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